HOPレポート 2020年4月6日

マスクの寄付 2020年4月6日
ルポク・モンドルくんは、ジョシオ・モンドルさんとシッカ・モンドルさんの息子です。ジョシオさんとシッカさんは、バングラデシュの自由クリスチャン教会で働いています。ルポクくんは、学びの傍ら、小さなビジネスをしています。彼は地元の化粧品を密封する小さなお店を持っています。彼は両親と共に、ホーム・オブ・ピースがあるThe Way Trustの敷地に住んでいます。
ホーム・オブ・ピース 校長
Mask Donation - 06 April 2020
Home of Peace, Agape Social Concern
We all know that the present situation of whole world. Day by day pandemic CODIV 19 is increasing. There is/are no medicine to cure this corona virus. Only we can pray to God and we have to maintain regular prayer along with necessary percussions to save us from this situation. It is necessary to use mask, gloves as advice from WHO and need to wash hand frequently. Mask, gloves price has gone high along with all other commodities in Bangladesh. In this situation a young boy forwarded his hand to help the children in Home of Peace by donating mask. His name is Rupok Mondol. He is a student of Bachelor of Social Science, final year. Rupok Mondol, son of Mr. Joshio Mondol and Mrs. Shikha Mondol. Joshio and Shikha is working with The Free Christian Churches of Bangladesh. Rupok is running a small business beside his study. He has a small shop where he is sealing local cosmetics. He is living with his parents in The Way Trust premises where Home of Peace is located. Rupok wanted to help children of Home of Peace in this present crisis. His income is to support his study but he has bought mask to donate the children of Home of Peace with his earning which is basically for his study. Masks were distributed to the children on 6th April 2020. Mask were distributed in group wise and children were standing in queue maintaining certain gap between each other concerning about the preset crisis. Management of HOP expressed their gratitude to Rupok for helping the children by donating mask.
Report prepared by Popy Florence Lakra Principal Home of Peace